Counting  Arithmetic  Fractions  Graphing  Algebra  Geometry

Parts and Equivalence




Section Overview Video

Fractions Starts with parts and equivalence defining the denominator numerator and structure of a fraction. A 2/6 vs 1/3 animation illustrates. Counting fractions starts with a discussion of wholes and parts and features the Order Hi to Low Tool where students learn about relative size of fractions by comparing them to eachother. In easy mode numerators = 1 and only denominators need be compared. A help chart displays fractions side-by-side, it is a great teaching and learning aid.

Equivalence animates a circle half shaded hovering the fractions above further divides the circle illustrating the concept of equivalence and leading to a discussion about infinite equivalent fractions. The 3 Equivalent Fractions tool gives students the opportunity to be creative, by using an identity fraction to generate equivalent fractions. Instructors may start students in level/1 by using multiples of 10 to generate equivalents. students may revisit this tool in level2 using other multiples.

The Halves and Quarters tool generates a number between 1 and 100. In Easy mode the number generated Halves and Quarters into whole numbers. In Medium mode the number halves to a whole and quarters to a half and in hard mode the number halves to a half and quarters to one or three quarters.

Simplification features a tool generating 5 improper fractions to be converted to simplified mixed numbers. Detailed solutions show whole groups and remainders for each incorrect answer. A how to simplify tutorial starts with a 72/96 being simplified to 3/4 using prime factorization. A prime factorization tutorial showing factors of 96 and 97, and divisibility rules for 2 3 and 5 teach students about factoring. In easy mode the tool generates numbers made from 3 primes either 2s 3s or 5s. In Hard mode the number is generated from 5 primes possibly a 7 or an 11.

There are graphics defining 4 types of fractions, Proper Improper Identity and Reciprocals that instructors and students may review. The Fractional Operations tool generates two fractions and presents them in 4 operations add subtract multiply and divide. Detailed solutions showing steps for each operation help students study and learn. A tutorial for addition includes a common denominator graphic and an animation adding one half plus one third. A lowest common multiples tool is great for helping students find lowest common denominators. A single graphic shows the rules for multiplying and dividing fractions.

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1/2 and 1/4 of 35



Think of ½ 35 as

Half of 30 + Half of 5

15 + 2 ½

Combined = 17 ½

Think of ½ of 17½ as

½ of 10 + ½ of 7 + ½ of ½

5 + 3 ½ + ¼

Combined = 8 3/4

Easy: Numbers half and quarter to whole numbers
Medium: Numbers half to wholes and quarter to halves
Hard: Numbers half to halves and quarter to quarters

Remember a Quarter is Half of a Half

Easy mode: generates a target number made from 3 prime numbers either 2s, 3s or 5s.

Hard mode: generates a target number made from 5 prime numbers either 2s, 3s or 5s and may include either a 7 or an 11.

Enter the prime factors in any order

Prime Factorization for

96 and 97

964822421226232131=stop2•2•2•2•2•3 = 96Prime Factors 9719797 is a Prime Numberthe only factors1 and 97Review Prime Numbersin Counting MultiplesPrimes to 120

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Prime Factors of 96 and 97

Factor into Prime Numbers



7296 7296= 342•2•2•2•2•32•2•2•3•3=

Find Factors 2 3 5

Prime Factorization

Divisibility Rules for 2's 3's and 5's

If the number is even; 2 is a factor

If the number ends in 0 or 5; 5 is a factor

If the sum of digits is divisible by 3; 3 is a factor

Step-by-Step Solution Full Solution How to Divide Left to Right • 9 divides into 12 1 time Write 1 in Quotient • Multiply Quotient * Divisor, 9*1 Subtract from Dividend, • Process Next Digit(6) • 9 divide into 36, 4 times Write 4 in Quotient • Multiply Quotient * Divisor, 9*4=36 Subtract from Dividend • Process Next Digit (1) • 9 Does Not Divide Into 1 Show Final Answer We Can Keep Dividing... 9)1261 140 9 3 6 3 6 01 140 1/9

Answer: 140.1111111... repeating

Written as: 140.1

9)1261 140 111 . . 1 0 9 10 9 10 000 Answer = 140, Remainder 1 Keep Dividing

Basketballs, are counted as whole things, 1,2,3 or more..., but we never have part of a ball, so we don't use fractions to count them.

Money is an example where we use fractions. When something costs $2.37 that means it costs 2 whole dollars and 37/100 of a third dollar, 37 is the numerator and 100 is the denominator.

Think about things we count in parts and things we count as wholes. Discuss and list 3 things that use fractions to count, and 3 that do not.

Halves and Quarters

Order Hi to Low

DENOMINATOR : on bottom tells how many total parts there are in 1 whole. And names the fraction.

NUMERATOR : on top tells how many parts to count.

2/6 is Not Simplified       1/3 is Simplified

26 13Numerator →Denominator →

2/6 and 1/3 are Equivalent Fractions


Counting Fractions

This tool generates two numbers and students find the lowest common multiple between them.

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0 / 0


Lowest Common Denominator

Same Two Fractions in 4 Expressions (+ - * ÷)

Easy Mode: Denominators 2, 3, 5; Numerators up to 7

Hard Mode: Denominators up to 7; Numerators up to 13

Simplify all Answers

Adding and Subtracting
Requires Common Denominators

1/2 + 1/2 = 2/2 = 1

1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4 = 3/4

Addition is Easy with Common Denominators

• Denominator remains the same

• Add or Subtract Numerators

What About Without Common Denominators

1/2 + 1/3 = ??


1/2 + 1/3 = 5/6


3/6 + 2/6 = 5/6


Find Lowest Common Denominators

Multiplication is Straight Across


Division requires a Second Term

Reciprocal then Multiplication

3413÷* =94 31

Remember to Simplify

Easy  Hard

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Add/Subtract  ← how to →  Multiply/Divide

Types of Fractions

Proper Fractions: Less than 1 such as: 1/2

Improper Fractions: Greater than 1 such as: 7/2

Identity Fractions: Equal 1 such as: 5/5   or  2x/2x

Reciprocals: Are Inverse Fractions, Product = 1

Improper Fraction and Mixed Numbers

are Greater than 1 or Less Than Negative 1

5/4 is an Improper Fraction

5/4 is equivalent to 4/4 plus 1/4

1 whole1 quarter

5/4 = 1¼

1¼ is a Mixed Number

It contains a Whole Number and a Proper Fraction

EASY: The denominators are less than or equal to 5, and the answers are up to 4 whole groups.

HARD: The denominators are less than or equal to 12, and the answers are up to 12 whole groups.

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How to Simplify4 Types of Fractions

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x/x   x/x   x/x   x/x   x/x




Largest 5->4->3->2->1 Smallest

1/21/31/41/5 1/61/71/81/9 HalvesThirdsFourthsFifthsSixthsSeventhsEighthsNinthsTenths .

We could think of 1 dollar as the same as
100 pennies or 10 dimes or 20 Nickels or 4 quarters

One Penny = 1/100one hundredth of a dollar

One Dime = 10/100ten hundredths of a dollar

One Nickel = 5/100five hundredths of a dollar

One Quarter = 25/100twenty-five hundredths of a dollar

Count the Money

Equivalent Fractions & Simplification
50/100 = 5/10 = 1/2


  50    25   5    1

  −−− = −− = −− = −

  100   50   10   2

    ½ + ½ = 1

            ¼ + ¼ + ¼ + ¼ = 1


       1/2 + 1/3 = 5/6

            + =

Use the IDENTITY property to find any common denominators

Adding and Subtracting Fractions requires Common Denominators

 ½ + ½ = 1
 ¼ + ¼ + ¼ + ¼ = 1


1/10 = .1   1/100 = .01   1/1000 = .001

1/2 = .5   1/4 = .25   3/4 = .75

1/3 = .33333333333...

Any Fraction can be written as a Decimal

1 3 = 3 1)_ = . 3 1.00)____ Remember Long Division? include decimal point and zeros

Long Division is a Prerequisite for This Section

Instructors and students work together making equivalent fractions using multiples of tens and negative numbers for example the Fraction:


Has Equivalent Fractions

30/70     .3/.7     -3/-7

Remember there are an infinite number of equivalents for each fraction.

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Use Reciprocals to Solve

simplify reset 57 3535 75 75 75 75 ()() X = 1X= X =

Flip the Fraction

The Product Equals 1

2662← Reciprocals →

when reciprocals are multiplied the product
is always 1 or Identity because numerators
and denominators equal each other

2662X=1212= 1

Reciprocals and Algebra

Proper Fractions are between -1 and 1

They may need to be simplified for example:

2/4 simplifies to 1/2

Identity Fractions = 1

Numerator = Denominator

5/5   3/3   .1/.1   2X/2X   /

Any Fraction • Reciprocal = Identity

A/BB/A = AB/BA = 1

Hover Fractions Equivalent to 1/2

1/2 2/4 3/6 4/8 6/12 12/24

One Half
Two Fourths
Three Sixths
Four Eighths
Six Twelfths
Twelve Twenty Fourths

How Many Fractions are Equivalent to 1/2 ?


Practice Making 3 Equivalent Fractions